If you subscribe to Chatgpt, you can use a model capable of creating planned tasks in the application. However, this function exceeds the simple reminder application; It offers many practical uses.
Task function allows you to plan actions for specific data and times or define repetitive actions. You can use Chatgpt to remind. All you have to do is talk to the event you want to perform and when, and once time comes, it will generate a new message in the conversation based on your application.
The tasks are the OpenIai procedure for the transformation of the chatgpt from a simple chatbot to an intelligent virtual assistant. With this feature, you can ask the Chatgpt to generate daily weather forecasts, be sure to initiate dishes at bedtime or plan almost any other task it can accomplish, such as creating a picture or a joke message.
Creating a task in a cottage is very simple; Just ask for it. However, you must use the right Chatgpt to work. The GPT-4O with programmed tasks is currently accessible only for the Chatgpt Plus, Pro and teams in the beta version, although this feature should be offered in the near future free users. You can create tasks in Chatgpt for iPhone, Android and MacOS and on the web application, but it’s not yet available in Windows Desktop.
You want to create a task, open Chatgpt in a supported application or on the web. Start a new conversation and select the GPT-4O with programmed tasks. Then enter a prompt containing the required action and its calendar. Chatgpt will then process information and generate a new task that will appear in your cat. The action occurs in time or during the entered hours.
There are two ways to adjust the task in the chatgpt. The first is to add another fast to the same cat with the update of the action or calendar of your task. Chatgpt should automatically update the task to meet your request. You can also change your tasks manually, but this is only possible with the Chatgpt web application.
If you want to make changes, open the Chatgpt web application and sign in. Click the profile icon at the top of the screen, and then select “Tasks”. If you want to pause or delete the job, spill over the task and edit and click the icon of the Three Point menu. Select “Hang” or “Delete”.
You want to make changes, fly over the task and click the pencil icon. You can rename the task in the “Name” field. If you want to update the instructions, you can edit or replace the text in the “Instructions” field. If you want to change your task calendar, use two DOPNOWN menus to edit the date, time, and repeat your task. If you are satisfied with the changes, click “Save” Update Task.
Configuration notifications for chatgpt tasks
When the time is scheduled for the task, the actions will be carried out in the same cat as the time used to create a task. However, if you do not use Chatgpt at that time, you do not have to see the answer Chatgpt.
That is why Openai has integrated notifications in tasks: When it starts a scheduled task, you have the option to receive e -mail or pushing a push. You can activate or deactivate these notifications, but any change will be used on all platforms; If you deactivate the PUSH notification on the desktop, they will also be deactivated on your mobile.
Click or press the profile icon in the Chatgpt. On the mobile and table is at the bottom of the screen; The web application is above. Click “Settings” on the desktop or on the web. Select “Notifications” and then “Tasks”. Check or deactivate “push” and “e-mail” and activate or deactivate notifications. If you do not receive PUSH notifications, make sure you have your device or browser permission to accept the Chatgpt Notification.
Useful ways to use tasks in chatgpt
The most visible way to use tasks in Chatgpt is for reminders. For example, if you need a reminder to take medication, simply ask Chatgpt to remind you every day at the same time, and you will receive notifications. You can also ask Chatgpt to remember the tasks of your list of things you need to do regularly.
However, Chatgpt is able to produce much more than most download applications. You can ask him to do almost all the actions you can order in a live conversation. For example, you can ask Chatgpt to generate daily weather report for your region, in the format you enter. To make it even more interesting, you can ask him to create a picture representing the weather forecast instead of a written message.
For your tasks, you can also use the creativity of Chatgpt. For example, you can ask for a new item for your diary every day, which stimulates your writing inspiration. You can also inform Chatgpt from your favorite music artists and ask him for a new musical recommendation every week, depending on your taste.
Tasks can also be a great way to learn. For example, you could create a task that will question you every morning about the capitals of countries in the world, or that the day will only respond in French to practice your skills in reading and writing in this language.
Limitation of the tasks of the chatgpt
Some things are still impossible to do with the tasks of the chatgpt. Currently, you cannot use your voice to create a task, which means you can’t just ask loud. In addition, it is not possible to download files such as documents or images that could use tasks. Access to GPT’s own through tasks is not allowed.
You can only create tasks using the GPT-4O model. It is not possible to program a task to use another model such as O1 to perform the desired action. The GPT-4O is considered to be the most versatile model Openai, but the O1 stands out in solving problems and it is not yet possible to program the task using this model.
The main limitation remains the maximum number of tasks limited to 10. Once this quota has reached, you will need to delete the task before creating new ones. If it shares the same calendar, it may be possible to combine some of your tasks, but you may miss ideas for your tasks before reaching the limit.
Tasks in Chatgpt offer considerable potential. The current version of Beta shows many promises, but is limited by certain restrictions, including 10 tasks. Hopefully Optai will continue to add functions, such as using the voice for tasks to make Chatgpt an effective virtual assistant.
Points to remember
- The tasks in the Chatgpt allow practical management of your daily reminders and tasks.
- Notifications of OE -mail or push will help you never forget an important task.
- Users can improve their creativity using Chatgpt to generate ideas or recommendations.
- Currently, the use of voice and access to other GPT models is limited.
These task management features offer a new dimension to the Chatgpt user environment. They evoke interesting discussions about the future of virtual assistants and their growing role in our everyday life. How do you plan to integrate these tools into your routine?
- Image source: www.howtogeek.com
- Source: https://www.howtogeek.com/how-to-use-tasks-in-catgpt/
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